登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Improving Poverty により Mind Map: Improving Poverty

1. People of Color

1.1. Address Institutional Racism

1.1.1. Decriminalize non-violent crimes

1.1.2. Increase anti-racist policies

1.1.3. Abolish white supremacy culture

1.1.4. Implement an Equity lens in every system

1.2. Invest in Communities

1.2.1. Increase access to education

1.2.2. Incentivize diversifying opportunities

1.2.3. Eliminate food deserts

1.2.4. Increase access to quality healthcare

1.2.5. Increase childcare options

1.2.6. Community engagement opportunities

1.3. Wages

1.3.1. Eliminate the wage gap

1.3.2. Increase representation in all levels of the work force

1.3.3. Ban the box

1.3.4. Increase the value of lived experience

1.4. Housing

1.4.1. Eliminate red-lining

1.4.2. End gentrification

1.4.3. Increase affordable housing

2. People with Disabilities

2.1. Job Security

2.1.1. Ensure Paid Leave Protection

2.1.2. Provide Paid Sick Time

2.1.3. Allocate more funding to vocational rehab

2.1.4. Ensure appropriate work-related support staff

2.2. Wage Equity

2.2.1. Increase minimum wage

2.2.2. Improve wages for people with disabilities

2.2.3. Provide more opportunities for career advancement & higher earning positions

2.3. Access to Health Care

2.3.1. Expand Medicaid

2.3.2. Create Medicaid buy-in programs (expand income and asset limits)

2.3.3. Access to low-cost medical equipment and prescriptions

2.3.4. Improve Medicare for elderly & disabled

2.4. Safe & Stable Housing

2.4.1. Increase funding for Section 8 & public housing

2.4.2. Build more accessible & inclusive housing

2.4.3. Increase funding for non-profit, community-based housing

2.5. Accessibility

2.5.1. Create a more inclusive labor market

2.5.2. Create more accessible transit

2.5.3. Develop more accessible/equitable hiring practices

3. Public Policy

3.1. Raise the Wage Act

3.2. Ban the Box

3.3. Enact federal paid family leave for parents and caregivers

3.4. Eliminate student debt

3.5. Overturn Citizen's United

3.6. Unionize within the non-profit sector

4. Social Safety Net

4.1. Improve & increase TANF, ERDC, SNAP, EBT, WIC, AFDC, etc.

4.2. Improve Medicare and Medicaid

4.3. Improve and secure Social Security benefitrs

4.4. Increase Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

5. Women

5.1. Equitable Wages

5.1.1. Increase wages, prioritizing people of color

5.1.2. Promote women equitably

5.2. Reform for Parents

5.2.1. Affordable childcare

5.2.2. Allow for equal participation in the workforce after childbirth

5.2.3. Comprehensive parental leave

5.3. Women in Government

5.3.1. Increase representation of women in all levels of government

5.4. Grow Welfare Support

5.4.1. Improve & increase TANF, ERDC, SNAP, EBT, WIC, AFDC

5.4.2. Increase accessibility to welfare programs

5.4.3. Healthcare for all

5.5. Support for Survivors of DV and SA

5.5.1. More affordable housing

5.5.2. More transitional supports for survivors

5.6. Safe Work Environment

5.6.1. Increase protections for women in the workplace

5.6.2. More recourse for women who experience discrimination in the work place

5.6.3. More unions

6. Immigrants

6.1. Pathways to Citizenship

6.1.1. DACA

6.1.2. Dream Act

6.1.3. More pathways to citizenship

6.2. Reimagine Borders

6.2.1. Eliminate ICE

6.2.2. End deportation

6.2.3. Abolish borders

6.3. Refugees

6.3.1. Safer access to the US

6.3.2. Greater support for resettlement

6.3.3. The Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)

6.4. Benefits

6.4.1. Access to welfare programs

6.4.2. Access to humane & high-paying jobs

6.4.3. Access to payed time off/benefits

7. Civic Participation

7.1. Voting

7.1.1. End restrictive & exclusive voting practices

7.1.2. Make Election Day a holiday

7.1.3. Abolish the electoral college

7.1.4. Support disenfranchised voters

7.2. Repeal Citizen's United

7.3. Diversify representation

7.4. Organizing local actions or campaigns