Sean's Essay

Sean Connelly's essay about Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

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Sean's Essay により Mind Map: Sean's Essay

1. 2. First Paragraph

1.1. When first embarking on his trip Chris knew exactly what his plan was... it was to have no plans. He showed courage through the fact he wanted to attempt to live and explore without many materials that other explorers would typically deem necessary.

1.2. Chris, or at this point Alex, said to a man who gave him a ride to get to the trail he wanted to be on "'I don't want to know what time it is. I don't want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters'"(Krakauer, page 7).

1.3. Chris offered this man his watch because the purpose of his trip was to attempt to live the way people did before all of the technology of his time. Some people may have seen him not bring a map, something to keep time, or any object for communication as reckless however it was all about his plan to disconnect from society. This trip into the wilderness was meant for Chris to test himself and connect with nature not to just explore the views like many travelers would do.

2. 1. Introduction

2.1. Chris McCandless was extremely courageous but was also very reckless at times. Behind his reckless behavior was a man on a search to live a life of his own and not feel bombarded by the rest of the world. He was reckless because of the fact he knew what he wanted and was extremely persistent on keeping his plan the exact way it was. Though to some he may seem like a reckless idiot and to others he may seem like a confident hero he was neither a hero or an idiot but somewhere in between.

3. 3. Second Paragraph

3.1. Chris was very stubborn and his alter ego aka Alex Supertramp truly brought out the one track mind side of him. He wanted to do what he planned in his head and refused to listen to any advice from anyone else.

3.2. When Walt McCandless, Chris's father, spoke to Krakauer about his son he said "...He resisted instruction of any kind"(Krakauer, page 111)

3.3. Throughout the book Krakauer mentions people speaking about how he followed his own way and did not accept any suggestions from others. His stubbornness had shown ever since he was younger up to the last seconds before his trip. When he told many people about his trip into the wilderness in Alaska they tried to give him suggestions but he would not allow them to give him any advice. Chris had set his mind on a plan and no matter how dangerous did not want any advice because he was convinced he knew what he was doing.

4. 4. Third Paragraph

4.1. In the end after all of his trials leading to his inevitable end Chris found what he was looking for. Chris had the confidence to go out and find peace no matter the cost. He faced death with a large amount of confidence and a smile.

4.2. Chris passed away around 112 days after the beginning of his trek into the wilderness. From one of his last writings Krakauer realized "Chris McCandless was at peace, serene as a monk gone to God"(Krakauer, page 199).

4.3. Death is not something we all could face bravely however Chris shortly before his final rest was at peace with the fact his end was coming. He had found his peace alone in the woods and knew that death was a large possibility but had the confidence to fight till he was able to find true happiness.