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Studying linguistic in English により Mind Map: Studying linguistic in English

1. Threat

1.1. Linguistics is very competitive field

1.2. Many people are turned off by the abstractness of linguistic theory

1.3. Career prospects may be limited with qualification in linguistic alone

2. Opportunity

2.1. The fact to know how languages and language work in general at any level and at any context

2.2. Always have interesting ideas to contribute in a discussion

2.3. A great insight into other academic fields

3. Strength

3.1. Linguistics is a relatively new field of study, meaning there is much more to discover about human language

3.2. Understanding both the principles of communication and human behaviour is highly valued in the corporate world

3.3. Linguistic theory has been a game-changer into how scientists look at human development and evolution

4. Weakness

4.1. You may get lost in abstraction

4.2. Difficulties associated with learning