7 Proven Ways to STOP Being Lazy

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7 Proven Ways to STOP Being Lazy により Mind Map: 7 Proven Ways to STOP Being Lazy

1. 3. Rediscover Your Direction

1.1. Leaving things as they are alone will lead you to a bad future, you must leave bad habits to improve yourself

2. 4. Identifying the Value of Your Work

2.1. Even when improving the mentality, some fight for the value of their work because they think that nothing is a good use of their time.

3. 5. The Lazy-Work Exchange

3.1. Thinking that work is uninterrupted for hours takes certain breaks. for every minute of inactivity work three minutes

4. 7. The Power of Kindness

4.1. You must maintain a positive attitude, forgive yourself if you fail and do not quickly throw your goals and thus you will become the person you want

5. 1. Dispelling Your Assumption

5.1. They think that it is a personality trait but it really means laziness, it means that you can have self-control problems, fears or insecurities although they all have the same potential.

6. 2. The 8 Categories of Laziness

6.1. 1.- Fatigue: Without physical or mental energy

6.2. 2.- Regret: You look for excuses to do nothing

6.3. 3.- Internal shame: Lack of self-pity and frustration for being lazy

6.4. 4.- Social Fear: Fear of failure

6.5. 5.- Neuroticism or anxiety: New challenges

6.6. 6.- Laziness created by uncertainty: You create confusion in yourself and not want to achieve something

6.7. 7.- Apathy: You don't care and it is due to lack of direction or depression.

6.8. 8.- Self-Definition: You identify yourself as lazy

7. 6. Measure Your Tansformation

7.1. When you slowly change your habits, measure your progress and each day you will feel more motivated.