"Managing Oneself" by TF based on Peter F. Drucker HBR, Jan 2005

Based on article by Peter F. Drucker Managing Oneself, HBR, January 2005.

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"Managing Oneself" by TF based on Peter F. Drucker HBR, Jan 2005 により Mind Map: "Managing Oneself"  by TF based on  Peter F. Drucker HBR, Jan 2005

1. "What are My Values?"

1.1. Make constant & small improvements

1.2. Like firms that hire from within

1.3. "Spiritual" growth over quantity

2. "Where Do I Belong?"

2.1. Path of individuation

2.2. Service

2.3. Trusted Outsider

3. "How Do I Perform?"

3.1. Reader 50%

3.2. Listener 50%

3.3. Learn by Organizing

3.3.1. Relationships

3.3.2. Responsible communication

3.4. Subordinate

3.4.1. Advisor

3.4.2. Emotionally Self-reliant

3.4.3. Asperger

3.5. Large or Small Organisation

3.5.1. Startups? No.

3.5.2. Research-based

4. "What Should I Contribute?"

4.1. Provide meaning or context

4.2. Hope and optimism

4.3. Discover strength in people

4.4. Relate with Collective Uncons. per C.G.