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Solar System by David G により Mind Map: Solar System by David G

1. Earth

1.1. Made of metal and rocks

1.2. Inside the Earth is the crust

1.3. Beneath the crust is the mantle

1.4. The earth was formed 4,500 million years ago

1.5. How did the Earth look like in it's first form?

1.6. Now, Earth has volcanoes, oceans, and life.

1.7. How many people live on Earth?

1.8. How big is the Earth?

1.9. Earth is the biggest of the terrestrial planets.

1.10. One complete rotation around the sun from the earth is what we call a day.

1.11. Earth has 4 layers.

1.12. Earth has volcanoes, mountains, and valleys.

1.13. The Earth has an atmosphere that surrounds the planet

2. Venus

2.1. Made of metal and rocks

3. Mars

3.1. Made of metal and rocks

4. Uranus

4.1. made of gases

5. Neptune

5.1. made of gases

6. Mercury

6.1. Made of metal and rocks

7. Sun

7.1. How close can you get to the sun?

7.1.1. astronauts could fly to within 1.3 million miles of the sun

7.2. How hot can the sun be?

7.2.1. 27 million degrees Fahrenheit

7.3. How big is the sun?

7.3.1. it 109 times wider than Earth.

8. Moon

8.1. How long can you stay on the moon?

8.1.1. With supplies, astronauts could last 2-3 weeks.

8.2. The moon was made billions of years ago.

9. Saturn

9.1. made of gases

10. Jupiter

10.1. made of gases

11. Pluto

11.1. made of gases

12. Plate Tectonics

12.1. Continents separated from each other

12.2. Plate tectonics made scratches and scars on the Earth.

12.3. Plate tectonics make earthquakes.

12.4. Millions of years ago when the dinosaurs were around, plates were moving.

12.5. Tsunamis

12.5.1. when an earthquake occurs, plates slip and energy is released into the water.

12.5.2. Energy creates waves.

12.5.3. Tsunamis are interesting because whenever there is a tsunami we know what to do.

12.5.4. Waves slow down when they get closer to shore.

12.5.5. How did tsunamis start in the first place?

12.5.6. Meteorites can cause tsunamis.

12.6. Volcanoes

12.6.1. Volcanoes erupt in the ring of fire

12.6.2. Volcanoes create islands

12.6.3. How long have volcanoes been on earth?

12.6.4. How do volcanoes grow under mountains?

12.6.5. How big are volcanoes?

12.6.6. Every time Hawaii’s volcano erupts, Hawaii grows.

12.6.7. There’s 3 different kinds of volcanoes

12.7. Eathquakes

12.7.1. Sometimes plates go under each other and it causes earthquakes.

12.8. Landslides