登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
from candidacy to evaluation により Mind Map: from candidacy to evaluation

1. Step 3: Consultancy visit - Application for Authorization

1.1. School schedule for DP students

1.1.1. provides sufficient hours to meet the requirements for SL /HL course

1.1.2. includes TOK and Core requirements

1.2. DP calendar

1.3. PD: staff training in their respective Diploma subject

1.4. Funding and providing resources to the CAS program

1.5. preparing the classrooms for the visit: Learner profile/policies/handbook

1.6. Essential documents are uploaded on Managebac (policies...) classes are created

1.7. Resources in place for at least two years of the TOK course

2. Step 4: Authorization visit

2.1. the standards and practices are developed and implemented

2.2. the policies and the requirements of the program have been communicated to the school community

2.3. Course outlines based on the subject offerings are uploaded on MB

2.4. Safe and well-equipped facilities

2.4.1. The library has enough material to support the DP program

2.4.2. Art studio provide safe and effective learning environment

2.4.3. The science labs provide safe and effective learning environment

2.4.4. There is a secure location for storing DP exams

2.5. collaborative planning times has been provisonned in the faculty schedule

2.5.1. For TOK

2.5.2. for Moderation of assessment

2.5.3. for connection between subjects

2.6. University Counselling is available for students

2.6.1. to help students transition

3. STEP 1:candidacy

3.1. action plan

3.2. Candidacy application form:

3.2.1. Standard A: philosophy

3.2.2. Standard B: curriculum

3.2.3. Standard C: Curriculum&Teaching/learning

3.3. supporting documents

3.3.1. Cat 1: Admin workshop

3.3.2. School licence

3.3.3. Organisational chart

3.3.4. approved budget to support the continuum between the 3 programs

3.4. candidacy application fee

3.5. Appointing a coordinator + job description role

4. STEP 2: Candidate school (after candidacy) Application for Authorization

4.1. Drafting, finalising and implementing the 5 policies

4.1.1. admission policy clarifies the conditions of admission to the DP

4.2. hiring and training EE&CAS coordinators - Cat 1 Coordination training for the DP coordinator

4.3. school brochure