Embers: One Ojibway's Meditations by Richard Wagamese Shelli Karamath

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Embers: One Ojibway's Meditations by Richard Wagamese Shelli Karamath により Mind Map: Embers:  One Ojibway's Meditations by Richard Wagamese Shelli Karamath

1. Stillness

1.1. Quiet

1.2. Solitude

1.3. Reflection

1.4. Self-awareness

1.5. Listen

1.6. "Nothing in the universe ever grew from the outside in" (p. 22)

1.7. "Be less concerned with the outside answers and more focused on the questions inside" (p. 23)

2. Trust

2.1. "Teachings come from everywhere if you're open to them" (p.58)

2.2. "A gift is not a gift until it is shared" (p. 63)

2.3. "Creator trusting us to use what she's already taught us" (p. 65)

2.4. Trusting our divinely placed purpose

2.5. "Leave your expectations, ego and doubt at the door and use the story's energy to do your work. If your worries matter that much, you can pick them back up when you're finished for the day." (p. 71)

2.6. "Keep what's true in front of you" (p. 73)

3. Reverence

3.1. "Remember to remember" (p. 85)

3.2. Ceremony

3.3. Creator speaks to us in many ways, all around us. We just have to look and listen

3.4. "You need to ask for the gift to be directed." (p. 92)

3.5. Allow the earth to touch you

3.6. "Dreams return us to our intuition; our highest level of thought" (p. 97)

4. Persistence

4.1. "I no longer want to be resilient...Bouncing back means returning to where I stood before" (p. 108)

4.2. Self- perception

4.3. Self-awareness

4.4. "When I open myself up to the world and its possibilities--even its hurts--I become whole" (p. 112)

4.5. Love is the only thing we can truly give

4.6. Shout something!

4.7. "You become what you seek" (p. 122)

5. We have control over our energy

6. We are connected to the Creator through our natural environment, dreams--Creator communicates with US

7. Trust in the higher power that comes from all around

8. We have to listen to receive knowledge--introsepction

9. "A drenching, nourishing rain in the mountains. The beat of it on the roof. Its glimmer as it courses off the eaves. The tears of Mother Earth, blessing everything and empowering life. Lift your face to it and feel her energy. She's in you--she's in me. We are kin" (p. 163)

10. Harmony

10.1. Relationships

10.2. Breath - "our breath mixes with all breath--we are part of everything" (p. 44)

10.3. "We live because everything else does" (p. 36)

10.4. "The most important word is all" (p. 36)

10.5. Making connections

10.6. Love

11. Gratitude

11.1. I ask for nothing. I only offer thanks. (p. 137)

11.2. "It has been proven in my life that when your prayers are about gratitude for what is already here, Creator and the universe ALWAYS send more. Always. When you pray for what you WANT, Creator and the universe only hear the wanting, and that's what you create--more wanting. Be thankful, offer prayers of gratitude for the blessings already in your life, whether health, prosperity or productivity, and more blessings will come" (p. 142)

11.3. "The miracle is that we are here at all" (p. 145)

11.4. "My scars have the strange ability to remind me that my past was real, and what is real offers knowledge, understanding and an ultimate forgiveness" (p. 147)

12. Joy

12.1. "All we have are moments" (p. 161)

12.2. We are joined. We are everything.

12.3. "I'm not here in this life to be well balanced or admired. I'm here to be an oddball, eccentric,different, wildly imaginative, creative, daring, curious, inventive and even a tad strange at times" (p. 165)

13. We are directly connected to the Creator

14. We are connected to others based on who we are and how we have been designed; our purposes

15. Everything is connected