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My Life により Mind Map: My Life

1. Goals

1.1. Business

1.1.1. Personal growth

1.1.2. Travel

1.1.3. Invest in knowledge

1.2. Investing

1.3. Associations

1.3.1. Partners

1.4. Family

1.5. Faith

1.6. God

1.7. Planning

1.8. Positive mind

2. Studies

2.1. Effort

2.1.1. Go to bed late

2.1.2. A lot of energizer

2.2. Responsibility

2.3. Trust my knowledge

2.4. Trust me

3. Projects

3.1. Healthy mindset

3.2. Perseverance

3.3. Constancy

3.4. Face fears

3.5. Cry

3.6. Positive mind

4. Dreams

4.1. Effort

4.2. Entrepreneurship

4.3. Risks

4.4. Keep dreaming

4.5. Think big