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U.S. Election により Mind Map: U.S. Election

1. How do you become a president in the U.S.

1.1. You must be a natural born U.S. citizen

1.2. You need to be 35+ years old

1.3. You must have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years

1.4. You need to get your name on the voting ballot in all states

1.5. You need a lot of money

2. What american parties are there

2.1. The democratic party

2.1.1. The democratic party is dedicated to taking back the White House and electing Democrats everywhere

2.2. The republican party

2.2.1. The republican party is dedicated to keep trump in the white house

3. Who are the candidates

3.1. Joe biden

3.1.1. 77 years old

3.2. Donald trump

3.2.1. 74 years old

4. What are their slogans

4.1. Joe biden

4.1.1. "Restore the soul of america"

4.2. Trump

4.2.1. "Keep america great"

4.3. Former presidents

4.3.1. Barack obama - "change we need" george washington - If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

4.3.2. George washington - "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter"

5. How is a president diffrent from a prime minister

5.1. A president is the head of a states

5.2. A prime is the head of the goverment

6. Research as many other relevant and fun facts as you can about the U.S. Election

6.1. The citizens does not vote for a canditate to become president, but votes for which candidate their state will support

6.2. The main leader's of the elections is typically the democrats and the repuclicans