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Summary により Mind Map: Summary

1. Presentation Aid

1.1. types of Visualused

1.1.1. powerpoints

1.1.2. people

1.1.3. picture

1.1.4. people

1.2. preparing

1.2.1. keep it simple

1.2.2. use the method 6X6

1.2.3. practice more so people dont see you panic

1.3. using

1.3.1. keyword only

1.3.2. don't use many font

1.3.3. background is contrast with the colour

2. The Purpose of Visual Aids and Effective Design Tips

2.1. consider the audience

2.1.1. peers

2.1.2. experts

2.1.3. prefer humor or serious talk

2.2. less is better

2.2.1. Straight to the point

2.2.2. helps to keep the audience be more focus

2.3. use quality image

2.3.1. Help give effect behind the picture

2.3.2. Avoid using clip arts

2.4. Theme

2.4.1. be more cohesive

2.4.2. stick to the same font to look profesional

2.5. practice

2.5.1. test your visual work

2.6. be creative