UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM)

Teaching math via coding projects.

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UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM) により Mind Map: UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM)

1. Compiler

1.1. Translates to machine code. Examples Algol, Fortran, Cobol, C and C++

2. Interpreter

2.1. Interpreters of various types have also been constructed for many languages traditionally associated with compilation, such as Algol, Fortran, Cobol, C and C++.

2.1.1. .

2.1.2. Ch

2.1.3. .

2.1.4. Ch (computer programming) a C/C++ interpreter Ch for teaching and learning. Ch is a user-friendly interactive C/C++ computing environment specially designed for absolute beginners to learn computer programming and problem-solving with computers. Barobo Linkbot, Raspberry, and Arduino are supported in Ch. .

3. Elite Public Schools

3.1. .

3.2. My Courses

3.2.1. .

3.2.2. Robotics in Technology 1st period 1st Period: Robotics in Technology 7:50-9:20 https://zoom.us/j/96511051787?pwd=N2dYcHBFMldaQXpWZk1pQ2J6eStlUT09

3.2.3. . Intro to Computer Programming 2nd Period: 9:30am-10:50am .

3.2.4. 2nd Period: Intro to Computer Programming 9:30am-10:50am *2nd Period and 3rd Period links are the same, so just stay on, but the transition to teaching the next subject. 10th-grade students will be joining this link as well. https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81382171238?pwd=MENQNEtLRjlOUmxMcVM3Q0RkSmZGQT0 .

3.2.5. Computer Programming 3rd period 11:10am-12:30am

3.2.6. 3rd Period: Computing with Robotics 11:10am-12:30am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5610575131?pwd=S2szMXF6YXo4VDFYazMxY1J4ZUY0dz09 .

3.2.7. Intro to Computer Programming 4th period

3.2.8. 4th Period: Intro to Computer Programming 12:40pm-2:00pm https://zoom.us/j/9801961691?pwd=WGRTTmV2N3hSUzYyUm0rQS8zQ0lBQT09

4. Power Teacher accountability

4.1. .

4.2. attendance

4.3. .

4.4. Student Information

4.4.1. .

4.4.2. select demographics

5. C-Stem

5.1. Barobo.

5.1.1. .

5.1.2. Roboblockly . Ch uses ChIDE = Sandbox . drag-and-drop programming

5.1.3. .

5.1.4. Adurino . Ch use ChIDE = Sandbox Changable Electronic kits . drag-and-drop programming

6. google classroom

6.1. .

6.2. Curriculum

7. Applied Issues

7.1. .

7.2. Software

7.2.1. Arduino ChIDE

7.2.2. Roboblockly

7.3. .

7.4. Hardware

7.4.1. Not a single student has arduino board hooked u;

7.4.2. Robot almost no student has the robot hooked up

7.4.3. Many students claim no to have cameras