Developing My Project Idea (Biodegradable Surfboard)

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Developing My Project Idea (Biodegradable Surfboard) により Mind Map: Developing My Project Idea (Biodegradable Surfboard)

1. [2] TED, Where joy hides and how to find it | Ingrid Fetell Lee, Youtube, 11/June/2018, URL:Where joy hides and how to find it | Ingrid Fetell Lee [accessed 22/11/2020],

2. [3] Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers | Steven Pinker, TED, Youtube, 21/May/2018, URL: Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers | Steven Pinker [Accessed 02/12/2020]

3. [1], Definitions, [Accessed 20/11/2020]

4. Joy

4.1. After watching the TED speech by Ingrid Fetell Lee [2], I have included elements of her Joy seeking methodology in the design of my surfboard.

5. Passions

5.1. Hobbies

5.1.1. My passion in surfing has identified how sustainability can change surfing for the better

5.2. Sustainability

5.2.1. Being passionate in following sustainability has motivated me to complete my project.

6. Emotions

6.1. In surfing there seems to be a lack of care for the planet. This frustration motivated me to do something about this issue and start my project

7. References (IEEE)

7.1. [4] WIREDUK, Olafur Eliasson, Olafur Eliasson on his 'Little Sun Charge' Solar Charger WIRED, YouTube, 3/09/2015, Olafur Eliasson on his 'Little Sun Charge' Solar Charger | WIRED [Accessed 21/11/2020]

8. Sustainability

8.1. My project idea is designed to prevent surfboard waste from harming the environment and potentially even feeding it with eco-friendly materials.

8.2. After watching Olafur Eliasson on his 'Little Sun Charge'[4], my project incorporates sustainable materials with art (surfboard design) to attract more people to using sustainable products.

9. Impact on Society

9.1. Stephen Pinker wishes that humanity continues working towards further innovations, improving our future. [3] My project involves innovation (new materials) that will improve the world in future.

10. Innovation

10.1. This project was developed due to innovations in organic materials that allows new possibilities for protecting the planet. This is because eco biodegradable materials are now becoming as good if not better than non degradable/toxic materials.

10.2. Creativity

10.2.1. There is no Innovation without creativity. Innovation is defined as 'something new or different introduced'[1], Making a surfboard out of 100% biodegradable materials is a new, difficult and unique.

11. Values

11.1. I commit to carefully manage the way I live and work to follow sustainability. I'll do this by following the UN campaign for individual action: My project fits in with my statement.

11.2. The project must work with my core values, innovate, be creative, follow sustainability. An eco-friendly surfboard will cover all areas of innovative materials, is highly creative with new designs being required, and will produce a sustainable product.