Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) - Toronto

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Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) - Toronto により Mind Map: Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) - Toronto

1. Vision/Goals

1.1. - empowering lives through mentorship

1.1.1. allows

1.2. - mentorship is a service that provides support to all children/youth so they are able to reach their full potential

1.3. - when one faces a lot of difficulties in life, it can result in toxic stress which can negatively impact development - with the support of a mentor, these risks can be reduced or even avoided, and youth can reach their full potential.

1.4. - for over a century - BBBS has been helping to change perspectives of Canadian children/youths - with help from volunteers, donors, and advocates - they are given the opportunity to reach their potential

2. Services/Programs

2.1. - BBBS - has both individual + group mentoring amongst adults and youth

2.2. Core Mentoring - One-To-One Community Based Mentoring (a Little age 7-16) gets matched with (a Big age 18+) - One-To-One Community Based Mentoring (Big Couple) - One-To-One Community Based Mentoring (Big Fan) - One-To-One-In School Mentoring - Bigs @ The Club - One-To-One-In School Mentoring Big G (Grandparent)

2.3. Mentoring + - Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds! - Game On! - Pump For Post-Secondary

2.4. The Big Pen Pal

3. Equity/Inclusion

3.1. Free of charge

3.2. Service available to all - regardless of social/external factors

3.3. Mentors and mentees are matched based on personal experiences and shared interests

3.4. BBBS pledges to create a safe and inclusive e space for Canadian Youth (asks the Canadian community to join this commitment - individuals, schools, workplaces, neighbourhoods, etc.) - Vulnerable youth in Canada - Children of Colour - Immigrant youth - Youth living in poverty or living around criminal activities occurring on a daily basis

4. How To Join As A Youth?

4.1. - Fill out an application - Build your little bio - Attend Little Fundamentals training session - Get connected when a suitable match shows up - Introduction between child and mentor is facilitated by a member of the enrolment and assessment team

5. How To Join As A Mentor?

5.1. - Fill out inquiry form - Attend 1 hour BIGS 101 session - Build big bio - Attend a 3 hour pre-matching training session - Once interview, trainings, police check/references are completed and are successful, will receive an acceptance letter