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1. García Molina Roberto Gomez Garcia Jesus Yael Guitierrez Camacho Teresa Marilu

2. When

2.1. Results from the combination of a main word, plus a preposition


4. Why learn collocations?

4.1. Your language will be more natural and more easily understood. You will have alternative and richer ways of expressing yourself. It is easier for our brains to remember and use language in chunks or blocks rather than as single words.

5. Definition

5.1. Stable combination of words that is used preferentially, instead of other possible ones, to refer to a certain object or state of affairs

6. Types

6.1. adverb + adjective

6.1.1. Invading that country was an utterly stupid thing to do.

6.2. adjective + noun

6.2.1. The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage.

6.3. noun + noun

6.3.1. I'd like to buy two bars of soap please.

6.4. noun + verb

6.4.1. Snow was falling as our plane took off.

6.5. verb + noun

6.5.1. The prisoner was hanged for committing murder.

6.6. verb + expression with preposition

6.6.1. Their behaviour was enough to drive anybody to crime.

6.7. verb + adverb

6.7.1. Mary whispered softly in John's ear.

7. Sources

7.1. Colocación - Wikilengua

7.2. COLLOCATIONS inglés-español - Aprende Inglés Sila

7.3. Significado de COLLOCATION en el Diccionario Cambridge inglés