The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell

The monomyth from Joseph Campbell explains the all myths in 12 simple steps. A must-read book.

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The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell により Mind Map: The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell

1. 1. Ordinary World

1.1. Not entirely sure where to start

1.1.1. Started TCD course with no idea where I will go with it

2. 2. Call To Adventure

2.1. I know there is enough reason for me to push myself to do it

2.1.1. I have juggled with a few ideas just was not sure which direction

3. 4. Meeting The Mentor

3.1. Now it is the time to open my mind to change, or go back to the old life

3.1.1. Started a structure and looked at what others are doing and saying so I can go in the same direction

4. 3. Refusal Of The Call

4.1. Time to get out of my comfort zone and embrace the journey

4.1.1. I have now had to push myself

5. 5. Crossing The Threshold

5.1. Commit to the change and there is no turning back now

5.1.1. THIS WHERE I AM FOR NOW , which my project work should help for a final push

6. 6. Tests, Allies, Enemies

6.1. Now I am faced with new challenges andI need to adjust to this new reality.

7. 7. Approach Point of No Return

7.1. The biggest change is now and doubt is a constant treat, so need to find the courage to push on

8. 8. Ordeal

8.1. There is constant challenges trying to break my resolve and , and sink my company before it begins

9. 9. Reward (Seizing The Sword)

9.1. Finally my courage and resilience pays off

10. 10. The Road Back

10.1. Now have forgotten about the old life and have undergone a rebirth of sorts, and have become stronger and wiser

11. 11. Resurrection

11.1. Now I have overcome all the obstacles and I have succeeded on my jpuney

12. 12. Return With The Elixir

12.1. Now is a time for celebration, self-realization or an end to strife to get here. Ultimately I return to where he started but things will clearly never be the same again.