登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Git により Mind Map: Git

1. Add

1.1. add a file(s) to index

1.1.1. $_git_add_<file_name>

1.2. add all new & changed files to index

1.2.1. $_git_add_.

2. Commit

2.1. commit staged changes

2.1.1. $_git_commit

2.2. commit from workspace to local repo

2.2.1. $_git_commit_-a

2.3. commit with a specified message

2.3.1. $_git_commit_-m_<message>

2.4. show diff when creating message

2.4.1. $_git_commit_-v

3. Diff/ls-files

3.1. show cached files

3.1.1. $_git_ls-files

3.2. diff working and index

3.2.1. $_git_diff

3.3. diff working and HEAD

3.3.1. $_git_diff_HEAD

3.4. diff index and HEAD

3.4.1. $_git_diff_--cached

4. Log/Blame

4.1. show log

4.1.1. $_git_log

4.2. show blame info

4.2.1. $_git_blame_<file_name>

5. Stash

6. Workflows

6.1. create a branch from an origin branch

6.1.1. git remote update

6.1.2. git checkout -b <branch> origin/<branch>

6.1.3. git pull origin <branch>

7. RM

7.1. stage a file to be removed from local repo and workspace

7.1.1. $_git_rm_<file_name>

8. Branch

8.1. create a new local branch

8.1.1. $_git_branch_<branch_name>

8.2. show all local branches

8.2.1. $_git_branch

8.3. switch to a local branch

8.3.1. $_git_checkout_<branch_name>

8.4. create a new branch & checkout

8.4.1. $_git_checkout_-b_<branch_name>

8.5. delete a local branch after merging

8.5.1. $_git_branch_-d_<branch_name>

8.6. delete a local branch without merging

8.6.1. $_git_branch_-D_<branch_name>

8.7. rename a branch

8.7.1. $_git_branch_-m/-M_<old>_<new>

8.8. remove a remote branch

8.8.1. $_git_push_origin_:<banch>

9. Merge

9.1. merge current branch w/ other branch

9.1.1. $_git_merge_<branch_name>

9.2. setup diffmerge

9.2.1. $_git_mergetool_-t_diffmerge

10. Amend/Revert/Reset

10.1. amend

10.1.1. $_git_commit_--amend

10.2. revert

10.2.1. $_git_revert

10.3. reset

10.3.1. $_git_reset

11. Rebase

11.1. $_git_rebase