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Cultural Anthropology により Mind Map: Cultural Anthropology

1. Chapter 1:Anthropology in a global Age

1.1. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the creation of long travel transportation such as ships, railroads, and steam engines had become a breakthrough for technology.

1.1.1. Due to this rapid break through it gave colonizers,government officials, groups of merchants, and other travelers the opportunity to go long distance where they came in contact with "exotic" people.

1.1.2. "Europeans encountered the incredible diversity of human cultures and appearances"( Guest,,8).

2. Chapter 2: Culture

2.1. Culture is unique to humans of how they learn it, culture is not something you are born with you learn and get taught it while we progress in the world around us.

2.1.1. People all around the world have different interpretation of what culture is thinking it has to do with certain types of foods, music or clothing but culture is more than categorizing it shapes our whole life.

2.1.2. "Culture is our manual for understanding and interacting with the people and world around us"(Guest,35).

3. Chapter 3: Fieldwork and Ethnology

3.1. Anthropologists seek data by preparing themselves having strategy and what they will need to conduct a research.Use a lot of surveys to get data on what issues need to be fixed or brought to light.

3.1.1. Gathering information can be easy when we listen and not talk when a person is explaining their personal life or in general to further their relationship with them.

4. Chapter 4: Language

4.1. Human have many forms to communicate with others through, gestures,sounds,or words. We humans have potential of learning any languages when we are born.Language is culture.

4.1.1. Language is powerful. Words have a deep meaning being hurtful,hateful or simple meaning making you laugh and smile.Language falls with a social standard of how educated or uneducated you are,wealthy or poor.

4.1.2. Communication has transformed over the years from reading books ,newspapers,talking in person,to sending a text,call watching videos,on ipads,and using computers.

4.1.3. "Writing a text message or a post on Facebook elicits a distinctly different writing style with polishing a research paper for a class assignment"(Guest130).

5. Chapter 5: Human Origins

5.1. Modern Humans use four different kinds of adaptations to help them survive the changes such as genetic adaptation through evolution; developmental adaptation during the individual life cycle; acclimatization to immediate environmental changes;and cultural adaptation using tools to moderate or control the effects of the natural environmental.

5.1.1. For that being, all together these resources help humans to pull through and prosper and pass down to their posterity. Genetics adaptations that are passed down and can't be changed in a person's life span because rather than changing it humans would want to see how other societies down the line will evolve.

5.1.2. When in a different environment our bodies start to adjust,this explains that when in different temperatures your body either shivers to bring body temperature up or sweats to bring body temperature down in order to maintain homeostasis.

5.1.3. "Cultural is now the primary tool that humans use to adapt to the changes in the environment"(Guest,189).