Unit 2: Features of a worldwide destinations


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Unit 2: Features of a worldwide destinations により Mind Map: Unit 2: Features of a worldwide destinations

1. 5. Time Zones

1.1. Divided into twenty-four time zones

1.1.1. 15 degrees longitude apart

1.1.2. Each equal to an hour different

1.2. GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

2. 6. DST - Daylight Saving Time

2.1. Appear in certain months of the year in certain countries

2.2. Change in time to lengthen evening daylight in summer by setting the clocks an hours ahead

3. 1.features of worldwide destinations

3.1. the character of their own

3.2. accessible location for the mass market

3.3. information services

3.4. accommodation and catering facilities

3.5. a range of visitor attractions

3.6. shopping facilities

3.7. enough parking spaces

4. 2.latitude & longitude

4.1. Latitude

4.1.1. indicate distance away from the equator, in both Northern and Southern hemispheres

4.1.2. parallel to the Equator and to each other

4.1.3. divides the globe into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

4.2. longtitude

4.2.1. indicate a location's posituion East or West of Greenwich

5. 3.climate tourism

5.1. Types of Climate tourism

5.1.1. Equatorial hot, wet and humid all year

5.1.2. Tropical no cold season but summer rain

5.1.3. tropical Monsoon no cold season but heavy summer rain

5.1.4. Tropical desert no cold season and negligible rain

5.1.5. Warm temperate hot dry summer, cool wet winter

5.1.6. Cool temperate cold winter,hot summer, even rainfall

5.1.7. Arctic harsh cold winter with snow,cool summer with rain

5.1.8. Polar snow and ice prevail for most of the year

5.2. influence of climate on tourism

5.2.1. on season a time of year that is the busiest or most popular for a specitfic activity

5.2.2. off season a time of year when a particular activity is not engaged in

6. 9. Influence of physical feature

7. 7. Nature Of Destinations

7.1. A destination is perishable

7.1.1. All destinations have a carrying capacity

7.1.2. Carrying Capacity is the max number of people that may visit a tourist attraction at the same time to prevent destruction or physical, economic, socio-culture economic and unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitor's satisfaction

8. 8. Reason why a certain tourist might be attracted to a destination

8.1. Purpose of visit => the choice of destination

8.2. One way tourist can be classified is according to their age and economic status

9. 4. World climate zones

9.1. Tropical climates

9.1.1. humid => no winter

9.1.2. near equator

9.1.3. temp: high/ heavy rain

9.1.4. Tropical Rainforest Closest to equators Rainfall all year

9.1.5. Tropical Savanna Distinct dry season Caribbean Mexico Miami

9.2. Dry climate

9.2.1. Deserted areas very dry, less than inches of rain per year

9.3. The Mediteranean

9.3.1. Hot temp in summer/ dropping during mild winters

9.3.2. Hot, dry summer/ cool, wet winters ideal conditions for tourists

9.4. Polar climates

9.4.1. Subarctic, tundra, and ice cap climates. Tourism => hunting/ fishing/ camping, naturalist-related like animals

9.4.2. Arctic and Antarctica Tourism is limited/ very short season