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Classification of DPSP により Mind Map: Classification of DPSP

1. Gandhian Principles

1.1. 1. Village Panchayat - Article:40

1.2. 2. Promote Cotton Industries - Article:43

1.3. 3. Cooperative Societies - Article 43 B

1.4. 4.Promo. of edu. & econo. interests of SC,ST & oth. weaker sec. - Article:46

1.5. 5. To prohibit the consu. of intoxicating drinks & drugs - Article 47

1.6. 6. To prohibit the slaughter of cows - Article:48

2. Socialistic Principles

2.1. 1. To Promote The Welfare State - Article:38

2.2. 2. Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State - Article:39

2.3. 3. To Provide Free Legal Aid to the Poor - Article 39A

2.4. 4. RTW, RTE & To Public Assistance in cert. cases - Article:41

2.5. 5. Provision for Humane condi. of work & maternity relief - Article:42

2.6. 6. Living wage, etc., for workers - Article:43

2.7. 7. Partici. of workers in mgmt of industries - Article:43A

2.8. 8. Duty of State to Raise : Level of Nutrition,the Standard of Living & to Improve Public Health- Article:47

3. Liberal-Intellectual Principles

3.1. 1. Uniform Civil Code - Article:44

3.2. 2. Provision for early childhood care & edu. to children below age of 6 yrs- Article:45

3.3. 3. Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry - Article:48

3.4. 4. Prote.& improv. of envirn.& safeguarding of forests and wildlife-Article:48A

3.5. 5. Prote. of monu., places & objects of national importance-Article:49

3.6. 6. Separation of judiciary from executive - Article:50

3.7. 7. Promotion of international peace and security - Article:51