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c++ により Mind Map: c++

1. features

1.1. Simple

1.2. High-level programming language

1.3. Popular

1.4. Compiler-Based

1.5. Case sensitive.

2. Application

2.1. Graphical User Interface

2.2. Operating Systems

2.3. Web Browsers

2.4. Database Management System

2.5. Libraries

2.6. Job Opportunities

2.7. Cloud Computing and Distributed Applications

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of C++

3.1. Advantages

3.1.1. Portability

3.1.2. Object-oriented

3.1.3. Multi-paradigm

3.2. Disadvantages

3.2.1. Use of Pointers

3.2.2. Security Issue

3.2.3. Absence of Garbage Collector

4. Class and Object

4.1. Significance of class in C++

4.2. Syntax of a class

4.3. Creating reference of class members

4.4. Array within a class

4.5. Types of objects in C++

4.6. Types of class functions

5. program structure

5.1. sequence

5.1.1. cout statements

5.2. loop

5.2.1. do while statement

5.2.2. while statement

5.2.3. for statement

5.3. selection

5.3.1. if statement

5.4. subprogram

5.4.1. main function

5.4.2. cube function

5.4.3. square function