Social Issue: Lack of educaton

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Social Issue: Lack of educaton により Mind Map: Social Issue: Lack of educaton

1. Targets

1.1. Rural families

1.2. Analphabet parents

1.3. Low-income families

1.4. Girls

1.5. Children suffering poverty

1.6. Large families

2. Consequences

2.1. Discrimination / Inequality

2.2. Health issues

2.3. Poverty / economic instability

3. Sources

3.1. Lack of education of parents

3.2. Lack of money

3.3. No schools nearby

3.4. Cultural gender discrimination

3.5. Other priorities in the family culture (working, doing domestic work...)

4. Solutions

4.1. Job creation for families who want to take their kids to school

4.2. Training programs for families

4.3. Funding for school material

4.4. Shareable school material (every book usable for two children at the same time)

4.5. School material as school property so that it is reusable every year

4.6. Grants for families that take their kids to school

4.7. Remuneration for high marks at school

4.8. Entrepreneurial education for both children and families