Exension and agriculture innovation


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Exension and agriculture innovation により Mind Map: Exension and agriculture innovation

1. Extension as solution

1.1. Advisory communication

1.2. Support Horizontal knowledge exchange

1.3. Generate Innovation

1.4. Conflict Managemt

1.5. Support organisation development

1.6. Persuasive trnsfer of technology innovation

1.7. First hand knowledge from the research workers and extension fills the gap between farmers and research scientists .

2. NZ Agriculture Industry

2.1. Role of Govt

2.2. Consultants

2.3. Farming Bodies providing extension eg. Dairy NZ, Fonterra etc.

3. Agriculture Innovation

3.1. why it is required

3.1.1. Rapidly changing markets

3.1.2. Changing agriclture structure in diff countries

3.1.3. Rapid growth globally

3.1.4. To be the key player in the market

3.2. How it is done

3.2.1. Consultants

3.2.2. Technology from companies

3.2.3. Farmers own effort

3.2.4. Research @ Universities

3.3. Where is the gap

3.3.1. `New emerging isues eg. environment and animal welfare

3.3.2. New standards set by supermarkets.e.g. Walmart, MacDonald. for product tracebilty

3.3.3. Consultants are not able to fill the gaps between research and development and technology transfer to the farmers.