History of Visual Communications

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History of Visual Communications により Mind Map: History of Visual Communications

1. Cave Paintings

1.1. Cave paintings were beautiful, colorful, representations found on the inside of cave walls.

1.2. the most famous cave painting site was in Lascaux, France

2. Phonetic Alphabet

2.1. It allowed common people to learn how to write.

2.2. It has given a rise to many other alphabetts

3. Gutenberg Press

3.1. A hand press in which ink was rolled over the raised surface of movable handset letters held within a wooden frame.

3.2. The worlds first movable system was developed in China.

3.3. Gutenberg devised an alloy of lead, tin and antimony that would melt at low temperatures, cast well in the die, be durable for the press. Hard metal punch is hammered into a soft copper bar, creating a matrix. This was placed into a hand-held mold. Piece of type is cast by filling the mold with molten metal.

4. History Of Photography

4.1. The word ''photography'' originated from the greeke words light and writing.

4.2. Daguerre invented the first practical Photographical process.

4.3. Richard Maddox made the first successful dry plate negative in 1871.

5. The Linotype Machine allowed operators to type mechanically rather than by hand.

5.1. After this machine was invented, it made setting type for more pages on a daily basis possible.

6. Acient Egyptians believed it was important to communicate about religion and government.

6.1. Walls and temples were decorated to show respect. The Rosetta Stone has the Hieroglyphics language on it.

7. Hieroglyphics

7.1. New node

8. Cuneiform

8.1. Cuneiform as created to keep track of business transactions

8.2. cuneiform started as a series of pictographs.

9. Linotype Machine

9.1. Christopher Sholes invented the only type writer that became commercially successful.

10. History of Computers

10.1. Univac was the first commercial computer designed by John Preseper Eckert and John Mauchly. Univac stands for Universal Automatic Computer.

10.2. Douglas Englebart invented the fist mouse invented

10.3. The first computer game was called space war.

10.4. Arprnet was the first internet.