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My Favorite Place により Mind Map: My Favorite Place

1. My Room

1.1. My bed

1.1.1. Alone

1.2. My desk

1.2.1. Comouter

2. Under Water

2.1. Deep int the ocean

2.2. Alone

3. High on the mountains

3.1. Climbing

3.2. Alone

4. School

4.1. In class

4.2. Friends

5. The CLimbing Gym

5.1. Home

5.2. What i love to do

6. On a dive boat

6.1. Relaxed

6.2. Bout to dive

7. The Theare

7.1. Movie

7.2. Stage

8. The eye doctor in amerca

8.1. I know im gonna do good

8.2. 20-20

9. Taco Bell

9.1. Fave food in america

9.2. Would be what i would eat if i lived there

10. New node