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Presentation により Mind Map: Presentation

1. Types

1.1. Informative

1.1.1. Sharing the information

1.2. Demonstrative

1.2.1. Demonstrating how to do something

1.3. Persuasive

1.3.1. Convincing the audience to accept your proposal

1.4. Decision making

1.4.1. Motivating audiences to follow your suggested course action

1.5. Inspiration

1.5.1. encouraging the participants to go after their goals

2. Successful presentation

2.1. Understandable

2.1.1. Clear information

2.1.2. Focusing on key message

2.1.3. Suitable language

2.2. Memorable

2.2.1. Can split the presentation into between 3 and 7 parts

2.3. Emotional

2.3.1. Using some activities to connect with the audiences

3. Dealing with nerves

3.1. Breath

3.2. Drink water

3.3. Smile

3.4. Use visualization techniques

4. Definition

4.1. Talks giving the information

4.2. The practice of showing and explaining the content to the audience

5. Aim

5.1. Imforming people

5.2. Gaining good will

5.3. Persuading people accept your way of thinking in a given subject

5.4. Others

6. Planning presentation

6.1. Deciding the type of presentation

6.2. Analysing audiences

6.3. Preparing location

6.4. Structuring a presentation

6.5. Preparing visual aids

6.6. Mastering rehearsals

6.6.1. 6.1 Sit down and read silently

6.6.2. 6.2 Sit down and read aloud

6.6.3. 6.3 Stand up and read aloud

6.6.4. 6.4 Stand up, read aloud and move

6.6.5. 6.5 Record your presentation

7. Create presentation checklist to checking to-do activities before and after your presentation