All Summer in a Day Ray Bradbury

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All Summer in a Day Ray Bradbury により Mind Map: All Summer in a Day Ray Bradbury

1. Conflict :

1.1. Internal : There is a trouble with Margot and herself that she couldn't manage her emotion properly, and she was pessimist about her surroundings and future.

1.2. External : There was a dispute between Margot and children because she was acting weird in children's point of view. The other conflict reveals between all of characters and the weather.

2. Plot

2.1. Exposition : Margot and her classmates were waiting for sunshine from the schoolroom in an underground city at Venus because scientists had predicted that it would be sunny that day.

2.2. Rising Action : William and the other children were jealous of Margot because she had remembered the sun precisely and actually she was different, so they started to bother and tease her.

2.3. Climax : They locked Margot in the closet just before the sunshine. Then sun appeared in the sky, and they played some games and enjoyed a lot under the warmth of the sun.

2.4. Falling Action : When the sun faded behind a stir of mist and the rain started to fall again, they turned and started to walk back toward the underground house. Meanwhile, on of the students noticed that Margot was still in the closet.

2.5. Denouement : They unlocked the door of closet and let Margot out, but it was so late because she missed all the excitement of being outside.

3. Point of view

3.1. 3rd person

4. Ali Basharat Mehran Hosseinkhani Mehdi Almasi Masoud Aziznezhad *

5. In the name of God

6. characters

6.1. Margot : The fragile and delicate girl who was just 9 years old. She traveled to Venus when she was 4. She was very pale and depressed because she couldn't adapt herself to Venus. ( Protagonist )

6.2. William and other children : These characters were acting opposite of Margot, and they bothered her severely because of their envy. As a result, these characters are the antagonists of the story.

6.3. Rain : This is the other power that works against the protagonist. Naturally, we can take it as antagonist.

6.4. Teacher : This character has no effective or important role in the story.

7. Theme

7.1. We can conclude that taking advantage of poor people or using power for cruel acts leads to some regretful consequences. For instance, it was said that it was going to be sunny for two hours, but it lasted just for half of the predicted time. Maybe, it was because of the deeds that children did to Margot.

8. Setting

8.1. Place : Venus

8.2. Time : Future

8.3. Weather conditions : It was all rainy, but it changed to be sunny for a short period. ( 1 hour )

8.4. Social conditions : Margot felt sad and homesick, and she wasn't able to adapt herself with the conditions of Venus.

8.5. Atmosphere : Hopeful. They were all looking forward to enjoying sunshine.