Why every Guru was once a disciple?

Every Guru...who has become one was once a disciple of someone else!

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Why every Guru was once a disciple? により Mind Map: Why every Guru was once a disciple?

1. Who is the Guru?

1.1. Is it like an authority

1.2. Is playing the role of a friend?

1.2.1. A friend is somebody who supports you in your limitations

1.2.2. Makes you feel comfortable

1.2.3. Somebody who punches your 'ego'

2. Every Successful Leader always had one

2.1. The 1st Guru has been Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh

2.2. Starting with Lord Krishna

2.2.1. Guru named Rishi Saandipan and Guru Ved Vyas

2.3. Arjun’s Guru

2.3.1. Was Lord Krishna

2.4. Rishi Durvasa’s Guru

2.4.1. Was Rishi Vashisht

2.5. Jagadguru Shankracharya’s Guru

2.5.1. Was Karpatri Ji

2.6. Karpatri Ji’s Guru

2.6.1. Was Guru Ved Vyas

2.7. Eklavya’s Guru

2.7.1. Was Dronacharya

2.8. Mahatma Gandhi

2.8.1. Gopal Krishna Gokhale Gopal Krishna Gokhale was a mentor to both Mohammed Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi.

2.8.2. The revered Mahatma Gandhi had several Gurus in his life and he imbibed great learnings and preachings from them shrimad rajchandra was his spiritual guru

2.9. Viswanathan Anand

2.9.1. India’s first chess grandmaster Anand’s guru is none other than his mother, Susila

2.10. Quoting Robin Sharma

2.10.1. I don’t know if you have a mentor, but if you don’t have a mentor, you’ll want to get a mentor as swiftly as possible because we become our influences. We become our conversations. We think like, and we perform like the people we surround ourselves with in our orbit.

3. Guru teaches some values

3.1. To be world class