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自己紹介 により Mind Map: 自己紹介

1. 高校

1.1. なぜその高校を選んだの?

1.2. 挫折経験は?

1.2.1. 英語で(日興) My experience of failure was when I had difficulty in both club activities and studying in high school.

2. 全体

2.1. 強みと弱みは?

2.1.1. 強みをどう活かす?

2.1.2. 弱みをどう補填する?

2.1.3. (日興)これらを英語で

2.2. リーダー経験は?

2.3. 周りからなんと呼ばれる?

2.3.1. 自分はどういう人間だと思うか?

2.3.2. 3つのキーワードで表すなら?

2.4. 体力はある?

2.5. 趣味は?

2.6. 出身地の良いところは?(日興)

3. 中学

3.1. なぜその中学を選んだの?

3.1.1. なぜテニス部に入ったの?

4. 幼稚園

5. 小学

5.1. なぜ陸上を始めたの?

6. 院

6.1. 院に進んだ理由は?

6.2. 研究室を選んだ理由は?

6.3. 大学ではどのようなことを勉強しているのか?

6.4. 研究の概要は?

6.4.1. 研究がどのように社会に生きるのか? 日興 投資銀行 英語

6.5. 学校の成績は?

7. 大学

7.1. 大学を選んだ理由は?

7.1.1. 京都である理由

7.1.2. 学科を選んだ理由

7.2. バイトとサークルについて

7.3. 学生時代に頑張ったことは?

7.3.1. 英語で

8. 簡素

8.1. (日興)英語で

8.1.1. 自己紹介 Nice to meet you. I'm Tamaki, a first year student at the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. Currently, I am conducting research on risk analysis of gas tanks in the event of a disaster using AI and programming. Also, I decided to give my full effort to what I was interested in from my childhood experience, so I have challenged club activities and research with more passion than others. Today, I would like to have a nice short talk with you. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

8.1.2. 志望動機

8.1.3. ガクチカ

8.1.4. 強み弱みは英語で述べられるようにしておく。 forte Being able to get things done by involving others To challenge various things. To complete things to the last stage. Weaknesses Becoming blind to the world around me Narrow-mindedness

8.1.5. 研究の概要

8.1.6. 挫折経験 My experience of frustration was when I was in high school and did not do well in my studies and club activities. My experience of frustration was when I was in high school and did not do well in my studies and club activities. In my studies, I ranked last in my class. I tried soccer with no experience and could not keep up with the practice at all. So I made a notebook of my failures so that I would not make the same mistakes again. I wrote down all the mistakes I made in my studies. In soccer, I always wrote down the reasons for my failures in my notebook. As a result, I was able to pass Kyoto University. In soccer, he eventually grew up to score a goal in an official game. He scored a goal that allowed the team to participate in the prefectural tournament. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)