Community Partnerships

All things community partnerships between organizations profit, school, and nonprofit.

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Community Partnerships により Mind Map: Community Partnerships

1. Opportunity to connect

1.1. Coordinated planning

1.2. Cost-effectiveness

1.3. Expands reach of programs

1.4. Builds and restores fabric of community

1.5. Promotes ownership and institutionalization Integrates goals Increases support over the long haul with local resources Evolves structures and delivery mechanisms

1.6. Develops spokespersons for the effort

1.7. Reduces “Lone Ranger” initiatives

1.8. Expands the community’s ability to respond comprehensively to community needs

1.9. Employ participatory action research models.

1.10. Focus your energy on what you do best, and partner for the rest! Heart of West Michigan United Way

1.11. Access to new communities

1.12. Access to new revenue sources

2. (4) Design the Process

2.1. How the project starts

2.1.1. What's the vision? Identify like-minded partners What is/are the goal(s)? Are they realistic? No really, are they? General Specific Create a shared vision Think out of the box Listen Consider all perspectives Develop shared principles to guide you Write it down, exchange it often

2.1.2. Who's "at the table?" Any representative who is impacted by or has an impact on the partnership. Persons with a variety of experience with partnerships.

2.1.3. What methods will be used to meet the goal? what else is needed? Did you forget technology? Are people TRAINED to accomplish the tasks..avoiding word-of-mouth skills assessments.

2.1.4. Who's eligible?

2.1.5. How and where and when are services offered?

2.2. Giving potential stakeholders the opportunity to provide input, and using that input to make the project better, builds the support or “buy-in” for your project or program.

2.3. Decide who is doing what.

2.3.1. Create volunteer position description to know the expectations of involvement

2.4. Always knowing next steps

2.5. Ownership of project ñ decide upfront:

2.5.1. • how this is negotiated

2.5.2. • who owns products coming out of the project, how theyíre used

2.5.3. who controls the money?

2.5.4. who gets credit?

2.6. Find ways to demonstrate results.

2.7. who could provide complementary services?

2.8. what’s said about the program to the community?

2.9. how is it evaluated?

2.9.1. how do we know it works? Mutually defined "success," have a conversation...what would be a successful engagement Sustainability of service

2.10. other?

2.11. Discuss possible unanticipated outcomes.

2.11.1. Back-up planning should get just as much attention.

2.12. Who is the community partner in a college/community sustainable partnership? Define distinct needs of various participants ñ why might they want to participate? Who we approach e.g. school (teachers, etc) vs. parents makes a difference.

2.12.1. Students

2.12.2. Faculty and Administrators

2.12.3. Community Based Org

2.12.4. REMEMBER: Citizens/Community Members

3. (1) Think Strategically

3.1. Know the community

3.1.1. Consider all partnership opportunities Identify community stakeholders What is their existing relationship to the organization? How are they related to each other? What assets and issues do we know upfront? Consider using foundations that support the community-based organizations

3.1.2. Know the communities history

3.1.3. Respect and acknowledge existing leadership

3.1.4. Community inventory to help residents identify their skills and talents

3.2. Use coordinated planning efforts

3.3. Know your organization

3.3.1. Identify self-interest

3.3.2. Universities Culture There is a lot of diversity within the university e.g. peoplesí roles, power, comfort with community involvement, disciplines, etc. Sometimes there is an overestimation of the degree of coordination within the institution, even by those within it There are numerous levels of bureaucracy The faculty reward system is complex The calendar is based on units (semesters, trimesters, etc.) Faculty workloads include teaching as well as meetings, and research and professional activities Can bring (assets) a knowledge of process how we work on professional development, issues of education and knowledge technical expertise -e.g. research skills, leadership development skills• quickly change curriculum access to people with skills -e.g. economic development knowledge access to physical resourcesÖsometimes -technology -buildings multiple perspectives to the web of issues facing community agencies our teaching skills - can ask the "right questions" and help people focus conflict resolution skills an independent and fresh perspective...sometimes the next generation of staff, workers, administrators, etc. Can't (issues) act quickly act alone quickly change curriculum change cycle of activities provide unlimited resources ensure stable/supportive leaders change their reward system

3.3.3. What does your organization do well?

3.3.4. Is there fear about losing your identity? Why might your identity (or others at your organization) be threatened by completing a good partnership strategy?

3.3.5. Is there concern about receiving credit or bearing blame?

3.3.6. Are there internal turn or trust issues that must be resolved?

3.3.7. Is your organization functioning effectively enough to withstand the pressure of (more) collaboration?

3.4. Plan for Existing Issues

3.4.1. Potential issues to discuss Trust Defining the problem(s) the partnership is supposed to address Differences in values and missions Ownership of project: • How itís negotiated • Who owns products coming out of the project, how theyíre used • Whoís involved in the planning and implementing Assumptions that knowledge is unidirectional Power Differences in goals and expectations among stake holders Communication including how needs and expectations are communicated Environmental contexts • How the legitimacy of the work is acknowledged, in what contexts • Assumptions about the way(s) we conduct business: -Place -Size of groups -Language(s) -Comfort with speaking Learn and understand the community's vocabulary How "failures" and "successes" get handled? Results • Higher ed.ís tolerance of impractical results • Communityís need to see resultsÖsomething! Sustainability Issues • short term vs. long term • how lessons get used in planning Influence of powerful funders and their expectations and issues Common understanding Communication Lack of direction or goals Lack of innovation Missing documentation

3.5. Set Strategic Objectives & Prioritize Partnerships

3.5.1. These may change as more information is learned.

3.5.2. What gaps can be filled by working with another entity?

3.5.3. Define scope: organization/office/department

3.5.4. Benefits from sharing risks, responsibilities, resources, competencies and benefits

3.5.5. Opportunities for synergy

4. (2) Analyze and Plan

4.1. Using strategic objectives and priority stakeholders (community partners), investigate impact on your operations/activities/goals

4.2. What are the needs of your office/organization that matter?

4.2.1. What partnerships will add value or help meet these needs? Start communication with stakeholders/community org, begins process of getting to know each other and gathering information Share intention and perceived value in connecting with the community Modes of Communication Define what community issues are important and the larger issues connected to them. Needs Concerns Wants Authority Common Relationships DO NOT enter the community with a predetermined agenda.

4.3. Be aware that a request is often seen an offer or commitment. Learn about the community and their connections within it. Be clear of how they can communicate with you and how the information will be used.

5. (3) Strengthen Engagement Capacities

5.1. Open discussion of past relationships

5.1.1. What’s worked

5.1.2. What’s been problematic

5.1.3. Systems they’ve developed to deal with conflict

5.1.4. Unresolved issues

5.1.5. How they establish trust, make decisions, etc.

5.2. Jointly define understanding of "partnership"

5.2.1. Relationship is reciprocal

5.2.2. the state or condition of being a partner; participation; association; joint interest. - Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

5.2.3. A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal: Neighborhood groups formed a partnership to fight crime. - The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition 2009

5.2.4. • One seed today does not yield a full-blown harvest tomorrow. • Cultivation takes time. • Just like plants need attention, fertilization, soil aeration, stakeholders need the same care, feeding and space to move around. • Picking the fruit too early will yield an unripe result that will not be what it should be. • Patience and continued cultivation are key to spectacular results.

5.2.5. Mutuality vs. unbalanced power • Discuss areas of reciprocity: how to recognize what participants have to gain, what each will be responsible for

5.2.6. Partnerships with community agencies are formal, long-term relationships founded on collaboration and the clear articulation of needs, capacities, responsibilities and expectations.

5.3. Do they understand YOU?

5.3.1. Bring them to your world, have them visit.

5.4. Be conscious about who initiated the partnership and why. Do as much work on establishing the partnership as you do on setting up the project.

5.4.1. Establish the ground rules for the partnership. Be flexible. Acknowledge that different vehicles are needed to communicate and include participants e.g. location, language of meeting. Communicate: needs, expectations, goals throughout the project

5.4.2. Be clear about assumptions, check out perceptions Be aware of diversity (sub-cultures, various constituencies). Donít overestimate the internal coordination/collaboration of the other Acknowledge differences in goals knowing that interests may be different among stakeholders. Set clear goals/expectations and be clear about priorities.

5.4.3. Identify potential barriers/road blocks

5.5. Spell out the ìresourcesî of each partner ñ what do they bring? Whatís off limits?

5.6. Stay aware of the environmental context

5.6.1. • Be sensitive to these issues and make partners comfortable with each other ís setting

5.6.2. • Acknowledge legitimacy of the work, in a variety of contexts

5.6.3. • Check assumptions about the way(s) business is conducted: • Place • Size of groups • Language(s) • Comfort with speaking

5.7. Recognize that all parties have particular knowledge and need to be contributors.

5.8. Consider skills and capacities needed by both parties to address any gaps through training and education.

6. Types/Styles of Partnerships

6.1. Satellite office

6.2. One-time

6.3. Use of infratructure

6.4. Exchange of professional labor

6.4.1. So often focused on the students, what skills do the staff have. Can volunteering be done in a more professional way, Board of Directors, preparing graduating students for open positions, internships

7. Common Roles in Community Partnerships

7.1. Contact Person

7.2. Notetaker

7.3. Project Coordinator

7.4. Stakeholder Participants

7.5. Volunteer Recruitment

8. Principles of a Good Community Partnership

8.1. Agreed upon mission, values, goals, and measurable outcomes

8.2. The relationship between partners is characterized by mutual trust, respect, genuineness, and commitment

8.3. Strengths, assets, and need for improvement

8.4. Balance of power

8.5. Clear, open and accessible communication between partners

8.5.1. listening to needs

8.5.2. develop common language

8.5.3. validate/clarify meaning of terms

8.6. All partners provide input on roles, norms, and processes

8.7. Feedback to, among, and from all stakeholders in the partnership (goal to continuously improve

8.8. Making sure the hard questions are asked and all things are agreed upon in a "more than verbal" way.


8.9.1. Meeting notes Follow up to confirm action items

8.9.2. Agreements

8.9.3. Dates

8.9.4. Expectations/Limits

9. (5) Engage and Act

9.1. Carry out plan

9.1.1. Be aware of perceived power differences and facilitate (be facilitated) for fair participation.

9.2. Action in important to confirming your commitment in the eyes of the community

10. (6) Review, Report, and Celebrate

10.1. Share credit

10.2. Show appreciation to residents by recognizing their efforts and say thank you

10.3. Review for flexibility so a project can continue and happen again in the best way possible

11. Identify new learning and possible opportunities, putting it into action.

11.1. Develop and evolve over time