Physical patterns

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Physical patterns により Mind Map: Physical patterns

1. Plains and Lowlands have thick beds that consist of sedimentary rock.Land emerged from ancient sheilds.These contain lots of sedimentary rock in horizenal layers.

2. Fold Mountains chain across continents.These are built from thick layers of sedimentary rock.Two plates shift and layers of rock overlap and form a mountain.

3. Sheilds is largely composed od igneous rock. It also consists of metamorphic rock.the shields areb shattered around the region.They are heavily cut by water ice, and wind.. canadian Sheild consists of some sheild regions.

4. Active volcanoes are plates that are dragged down by other plates. Two tectonic plates shift with lava and rock in the middle and which causes a eruption.The magma brakes through a thin layer of crust before reaching the surface.

5. Landform patterns

6. Climate Affects

7. The effects of moving air is how wind and pressure reapeat in a pattern around the equator.An important factor is the heat of the sun.Water Droplets form from cloids and when air rises it cools.There are many different air pressure. This effects the desert climate by how intense rainfall occurs at the equator.

8. The effects of latitude is that places at different latitudes on earth recieve different amounts of precipitation.the closer to the equator, the sun rays get more intense.The sun is a very important factor in the world.the latitude also effects polar climate,tropical climate and temperate climate. Little or a lot of solar energy hits the places and causes a climatic change.

9. The effect of water bodies makes the places more comfortable and soothing. Large bodies of water are near places with maritime climate.Places that are far away are not interupted by the maritime climate. There is also lots of continental by how they have lots of hot summers and cold winters.

10. The effects of mountains affects by how there is less oxygen in the higher altitudes. A mountain climate effects with exposures to the sun.High precipatation happens near the mountain climates. High altitudes are cooler than stuff at lower altitudes

11. The effects of ocean currents is how the planet has surface winds. Warm water flows from the equator to the city. Coastal tempertures are effected by warm and cold currents.

12. Small landholders live in Mexico and South Africa.they have con and other crops for living. They all work hard in the family.They barter and sell crops in the market.The weather conditions can cause problems to these landholders.

13. Shifting Culvators live in the tropical forests of South Africa. They use fire to work and clear pathes to farm.When the population rises, there can be a problem. They root crops like yams and sweet potatoes. the forest eventually needs claiming

14. Nomadic herders have prized possesions such as cattle and goats. They need many stuff fro the semi deserts and deserts.Big animals can be bartered.. They find water and grass with the help of their animals

15. Volcanoes happen when two tectonic plates shift and there is rock magma and cynder in the middle which causes impact and the magma shoots up and causes an eruption

16. Earthquakes happen when two tectonic plates shift and the pressure shoots above the surface releasing a pulse of shock

17. Commercial agriculture grow crops like rich and soft fruit, pears,and peaches. These can not survive through harsh precipatation.The best spots to grow crops are places that have good moisture patterning and good temperture.

17.1. Sub Idea 2

18. Natural disasters

19. Agriculture

20. Tropical storms

21. They form by when cold air and warm air swirl around and the cold air keeps adding up and turning warm to create this natural disasters

22. A typhoon is a strong cyclone that collects lots of cold air as it spins

23. A cyclone is almost as the same as typhoon bu is less as strong as the howling typhoon. It consists of lots of cold air.

24. A hurricane is when hot air and cold air mix together to form a big massive storm that is one of the deadliest over sea

25. A blizzard is when the ice starts to swirl and flow hard along the air hitting everything with its ice and snow

26. Specialized Agriculture is Similar to commercial. The difference is that it is only on one product.When you buy a fruit form the store, only a little part of the money goes to the farmer factors such as human and physical effect specialized agriculture

27. The effects of climate to agriculture is that soil is the base of all the soil. It starts the creation of the plants.Eroded sentiments are created by wind, water, and ice. erosion is bvasically created by Climate.

28. The effect of soil is important becuase soil has different levels from the top and the bottom. In cold places, soil is permafrosted into the ground. That means that the soil is permanently stuck into the ground. there is also a cross-section of the upper-layers of the earth`s crust.

29. The effect of natural vegatation is grasses in the area. This effects the soil fertility. The effect of natural vegatation is found in regions that have been effected by soils or by climate.