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Types of Paragraph により Mind Map: Types of Paragraph

1. Expository Paragraph

1.1. An expository paragraph explains something; its purpose is to help the reader understand.

2. Persuasive Paragraph

2.1. The purpose of a persuasive paragraph is to convince the reader of something, such as the writer's position on a controversial topic or a proposal for a new project.

3. A paragraph is a section of writing that covers a single point that explains something specific or argues a specific thing to support the thesis of the whole writing or an essay.

4. Suggar Team:

4.1. Margarita Martines

4.2. Rosibeth Bejerano

4.3. Brian Sanchez

4.4. David Corella

5. Descriptive Paragraph

5.1. The purpose of a descriptive paragraph is to allow the reader to experience the item, phenomenon or event being described as vividly as possible without physically sensing it.

6. Narrative Paragraph

6.1. Narrative paragraphs tell stories. They differ from short stories or novels in length as well as in the amount of detail provided; they sometimes are little more than brief vignettes.