TEAL Possibilities

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TEAL Possibilities により Mind Map: TEAL Possibilities

1. Virtual & Physical Labs

1.1. Complement physical labs with virtual options

1.2. Enable all rooms to be used as 'labs' with virtual platforms

1.3. Investigation of Oracle VirtualBox and similar for complete distributions of operating systems and applications

1.4. Need to classify applications for all Lassonde students - program, course related

2. e-Learning options

2.1. ONE learning management system OR Smorgosbord

2.2. Customized Moodle 2.0 environment

2.3. investigation of student centric LMS - CANVAS

2.4. Lassonde blogging platform

2.5. Instructor focused support website

2.6. Learning Objects repository approach - helping faculty curate and share content

2.7. Instructor preferred platforms e.g. web hosting, rapidweaver.

3. VIDEO discussion

3.1. Screencasting option

3.2. pre-recorded video segments

3.3. Story telling approach - set the context

3.4. Producer. Art direction, scripting

3.5. HD recordings

3.6. Creation of how-to guides

4. Learning Outcomes

4.1. Expected Learning outcomes for EVERY Lassonde course

4.2. Articulate expectations - use of templates

4.3. required for accreditation purposes

4.4. Learning Management System can be used to create learning outcomes approach - rubrics etc

5. Student Focused learning

5.1. Lassonde Student portal or part of main website

5.2. Guaranteed location for course information

5.3. Suggested use of LMS for website content creation

5.4. Web delivery of software applications to students

6. Minimum standards for Web course

6.1. Course name

6.2. Short & long description

6.3. lab hours

6.4. Mid terms etc

7. Common Framework

7.1. Adopt York eLearning terminology

7.2. Define flipped model

7.3. Create examples of models - what does a flipped or blended course look like?

7.4. Provide Instructor focused website for support/advice, available services