Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030

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Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030 により Mind Map: Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030

1. During Class

1.1. Students can use laptops for class related work.

1.2. Students can only have laptops open while the whole group is using them.

1.3. Students can use the internet for their enjoyment only during assigned breaks.

1.4. Students can not eat while using laptops.

1.5. Students must have their laptops on the desks, not on laps.

1.6. Students may download programs only related to assignments in class.

1.7. Students only may download appropriate things.

2. Consequences to Breaking Rules

2.1. Students who are using laptops for unrelated school work, will be given a zero for participation.

2.2. Students who break or damage a computer, will have to pay for 50% of the cost.

3. After Class

3.1. Students must return laptops in correct slots.

3.2. Students must return laptops in a neat and orderly fashion.

3.3. Students must return laptops within 30 minutes of class ending.