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One year survey により Mind Map: One year survey

1. Section A background question

1.1. training

1.2. language

1.3. employment during pregnancy

1.4. department for childbirth

1.5. complication pregnancy

1.6. mental health before pregnancy

1.6.1. Treatment?

1.7. fear of childbirth

1.7.1. Treatment?

2. Section B Health

2.1. weight

2.2. length

2.3. smoking

2.3.1. Quantity

2.4. life situation

2.5. satisfied

2.6. someone to share innermost feelings with

2.6.1. help, if needed?

2.7. work situation

2.8. health today

2.8.1. disease, treatment

3. Section C Breastfeeding and rearing

3.1. are you breastfeeding today

3.2. age other food

3.3. age stopped breastfeeding

3.4. breastfeed for as long as you wanted

4. Section D The childbirth

4.1. experience childbirth

4.2. how did you give birth

4.2.1. vaginal delivery

4.2.2. vaginal birth with suction cup

4.2.3. caesarean section

4.3. birth injury

4.3.1. investigated

4.3.2. emotional care

4.3.3. healing

4.4. satisfied

4.4.1. medical care overall assessment of care

5. Section E emotional health

5.1. laugh and see life on the bright side

5.2. cheer me up for things to come

5.3. blamed myself

5.4. felt scared and worried

5.5. frightened or panicked

5.6. screwed up, become too much

5.7. sad, unhappy, hard to sleep

5.8. sad and down

5.9. unhappy, cried

5.10. intending to hurt myself

6. Section F Pelvic floor and leakage

6.1. leaking urine

6.1.1. pee often

6.1.2. Urge to pee

6.1.3. difficulty emptying the bladder

6.2. hold stools and gases

6.2.1. Check gases

6.2.2. Hold stool

6.2.3. Incontinent protection

6.2.4. Bulges the intestine

6.2.5. Inpact on life

6.2.6. Sought help

6.3. symptoms from vagina

7. Section G sexual health