Learning Theories

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Learning Theories により Mind Map: Learning Theories

1. Media Ecology

1.1. The television programs and internet access is influencing people.

1.2. Media is an easy access to everyone.

1.3. Digital Communication.

2. Social Construction of Technology

2.1. Technology is influenced by our growing society.

2.2. Built around a sociology perspective.

2.3. Will find problems in current technologies and discover new ways to fix these problems.


3.1. Three Primary forms of knowledge.

3.1.1. Content

3.1.2. Pedagogy

3.1.3. Technology

3.2. Emphasizes new kinds of knowledge, which is applicable to teaching with technology.

3.2.1. Pedagogical Content Knowledge

3.2.2. Technological Content Knowledge

3.2.3. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

3.2.4. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge

3.3. TPACK

4. Constructivism

4.1. Learning by interacting with the surroundings.

4.2. Authentic and problem based tasks.

4.3. Learn the foundations, then apply those to complex problems.

4.4. As a teacher, we must provide problems that students will be faced with in their futures.

5. Connectivism

5.1. Taking your past experiences and being able to build on from that experience.

5.2. Creating a network to find new knowledge.

5.3. Taking different concepts and using them in different problems.

5.4. Important to help students build these networks.

6. Cognitive Load

6.1. Memory Model

6.1.1. Sensory Memory- How we take in information

6.1.2. Short Term Memory- In our minds at that moment

6.1.3. Long Term Memory- Can be accessed at any time.

6.2. Need foundational knowledge.

6.2.1. Similar to constructivism where you need the basics to build onto.

6.3. Learning is more likely to take place if it has meaning to it.

6.4. Organizing information- For example, creating a mind map.

7. Philosophy of Teachnology

7.1. A statement of who you are and what you believe.

7.2. Incorporates the use of technology.

7.3. Explains how technology is used in the classroom.

7.4. Explains how technology can be advantageous.

7.5. Gives an idea of types of tools used to facilitate learning.

7.6. A good statement can be used in interview situations to get a teaching career.