Big Ideas in One Shot

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Big Ideas in One Shot により Mind Map: Big Ideas in One Shot

1. redemption

1.1. "You have to be crazy to pay for parking just before you blow away 5 people." pg. 36

1.2. Jack Reacher shows society why he should still be a cop

1.2.1. apprehends the criminal and saves the innocent

2. guilt

2.1. learning from failure

2.1.1. "Why did you have to bring my brother down?" Rosemary

2.2. swallowing pride

3. risk

3.1. Right isn't always easy

3.2. defending a man labeled guilty

3.2.1. 1 against society "You've told me what I wanted to know"- 82

4. trust

4.1. started with the wrong guy

4.1.1. parking meter was a key clue

4.2. admit failure

4.3. things aren't always what they seem

4.4. Emerson(the antagonist cop)- "He missed with one shot. It went into the pool. And you know what? That's exactly how ballistics labs test-fire a gun. They fire into a long tank of water. The water slows and stops the bullet with no damage at all

4.4.1. clearly someone guilty of a crime wouldn't intentionally leave a clean bullet. Deception plays a huge roll in solving the novel

5. focus

5.1. small bullet left on crime scene

5.2. knowledge must be sought after

5.3. "six shots fired and 5 dead, All head shots. I'm betting on a trained shooter. Probably ex-military."-pg. 32