The Effects of Stress on Behavior and Learning

Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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The Effects of Stress on Behavior and Learning により Mind Map: The Effects of Stress on Behavior and Learning

1. Stress in schools

1.1. home and neighborhood conditions

1.2. pressure to succeed

1.3. teachers under stress as well

1.3.1. Specific grade?

2. Stress effects on learning

2.1. Stress leads o poor working memory

2.2. Students bring stress with them from home, brain in 'survival mode'.

3. Stress effects on behavior

3.1. As stress levels go down, self-esteem and confidence go up.

3.2. Stress can impair a child's ability to make good decisions.

4. Stress effects on teachers

4.1. High teacher turnover

4.2. High absenteeism

4.3. Students react negatively to unhappy teachers, negative school climate

5. Quiet Time/Meditation 15 minutes at the start of the day, teachers before school.

5.1. Fighting reduced by 60%, suspensions by 79%.

5.2. Standardized test scores improved.

5.3. Teacher absenteeism down 30%