Theories and Frameworks

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Theories and Frameworks により Mind Map: Theories and Frameworks

1. Technology Theories

1.1. SCOT

1.1.1. Social Construction of Technology

1.1.2. Based on the belief that humans and society influence technology

1.1.3. Since society shapes the technology, society also decides whether or not a technology is successful

1.2. Media Ecology

1.2.1. Based on the belief that technology influences society

1.2.2. Believes that humans are influenced by technology, unlike SCOT

1.2.3. Media as environments

2. Philosophy of Teachnology

2.1. Teachers' personal values and beliefs about how they can employ technology in their lessons in a way that is beneficial to the learners

2.2. Applies not just to classrooms and students, but to teachers as well (professional development, PLNs, online learning)

3. Learning Theories

3.1. Connectivism

3.1.1. Knowledge is gained through a network of connections

3.1.2. Active learning

3.1.3. Educators/teachers are there to guide the students and help them make the connections they need to make in order to gain the required knowledge

3.2. Constructivism

3.2.1. Learners gain knowledge by doing, as well as through experience and actively interacting with the environment

3.2.2. Teacher acts as a facilitator

3.2.3. Active and discovery learning

3.3. Cognitive Load

3.3.1. Memory systems--building on previous knowledge (scaffolding)

3.3.2. Working memory absorbs information initially, which then gets transferred to long term memory

3.3.3. Too much information can slow down or impair learning

3.3.4. Teachers need to consider how much information they are teaching in one time, as well as how they are presenting it


4.1. Various combinations of three different knowledges

4.1.1. Content Knowledge

4.1.2. Pedagogical Knowledge

4.1.3. Technological Knowledge

4.2. Teachers should constantly be expanding their knowledge in these three domains to maximize learning in their classrooms