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Event Strategies により Mind Map: Event Strategies

1. Post Event

1.1. Direct Mail Thank You Card

1.2. Email Thank You

1.3. RVM Thankyou

1.4. SMS Thank You

1.5. Offer Wrap Up Webinar

1.6. Email Photo Album

1.7. Set Up Directory

2. Breaking Point

2.1. Fire Circle $15,000 w/$5K Credit

2.2. 100 Degrees $40,000 w/$10K Credit

2.3. Finish Line $60K + 5%

3. Schedule

3.1. MC Buildup

3.2. Intro Chad & Perry

3.3. Perry 90 Minutes

3.3.1. Placemats

3.3.2. Framework

3.3.3. Breakthrough Story

3.4. Speakers

3.5. Tools & Trends

3.6. Pitch

3.7. Certificates

3.8. Pied Piper

4. Offerings

4.1. Ignite $5000 or $497

4.2. Driven/100 Degree Booth

5. On Location

5.1. Salespeople Available

5.2. Membership Lounge

5.3. Printed Room Key

5.4. QR Code on Room Key

5.5. QR Code on Signage

5.6. Reel on TV

5.7. Reel on Breaks

5.8. Salesletter Drop in Swag Bag

5.9. Salesletter Drop on Seats

5.10. Swag Store at Registration

5.11. GEO Fence Reel on Web

5.12. Dim Lighting

5.13. Smoke and Lights

5.14. MC/DJ

5.15. Progressive Wardrobe

5.16. Speaker Gifts

5.17. Green Room w/Food, Meds Etc...

5.18. LOADS of Signage w/Programs

5.19. Swag to Chum Audience

5.20. Express Lane

6. Promotion

6.1. Re-Target Events

6.2. GEO Fence Other Events

6.3. Re-Target Platforms

6.4. Re-Target Gurus

6.5. Over-Ride YouTube

6.6. Dirsct Mail 120, 90, 60 Days

6.7. Salesletter in ALL Laminates

6.8. Book Celebrity

6.9. Email & SMS Speaker Interviews

6.10. Speaker Plaquards

6.11. Affiliates Launch @60%

7. Pre Planning

7.1. Create Title

7.2. Create Frameworks

7.3. Create Placemats

7.4. Create Order Forms

7.5. Create Swag Logo

8. Tickets

8.1. Super Early $297 - 120 Days

8.2. Early Bird $495 90 Days

8.3. BOGO $995 60 Days

8.4. 50% off $1497 30 Days

8.5. 33% off $1997 Last Minute - 15 Days

8.6. At The Gate Last 10 Days $2997

8.7. Live Stream $495 Last 5 Days

8.8. Shirt & Hat Premium

8.9. Hard Retarget

9. VIP

9.1. Early Entry

9.2. Reserved Seating

9.3. Daily Audios w/Airpods

9.4. Slides

9.5. Notes

9.6. Massage

9.7. Videos

9.8. Metal Badges

9.9. Certification Test & Certificate

9.10. VIP Dinner

9.11. $495 or $295 Dinner Only

10. Pre-Arrival

10.1. Study Material via Mail

10.2. Telegram Group

10.3. Software Trial

10.4. Help w/Booking

10.5. Consierge Text

10.6. 5 Day Lead Up Videos

11. Sponsorships

11.1. Booth in Room $2000

11.2. Stage Introduction $500

11.3. Sack Lunch $50 Person

11.4. Pre-Night $5000

11.5. Coffee $2000

11.6. Oper Bar Cocktail $10,000

11.7. VIP Dinner $15,000

12. Registration

12.1. Questionaire Form

12.2. VIP Registration

12.3. Swag Bag

12.4. Upsell VIP at Registration

12.5. Membership Lanyards

12.6. VIP Gold Badges

12.7. Badges w/RFID

12.8. Ribbon Bar

12.9. Sticker Bar

13. Software

13.1. $97/mo. $997 Annual

13.2. Association Membership