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Newsletters により Mind Map: Newsletters

1. The Big Idea

1.1. Hearst

1.2. Blogging is Dead

1.3. Replacing The Newspaper

1.4. Ad Platforms

1.5. Valuations

2. 3. The Platform

2.1. SIngle Issue

2.1.1. Beehiiv

2.1.2. SubStack

2.1.3. Any ESP

2.2. Empire

2.2.1. Letterman.ai

3. 4. Deliverability

3.1. Technical

3.2. Content

3.3. Discipline

4. 1. The Niche

4.1. Direct vs. Indirect

4.2. Trend Lines

4.3. Bankability vs. Size

5. 5. Format & Frequency

5.1. Curated

5.2. Longform

5.3. Double-Tap

6. 6. Getting Subscribers

6.1. Groups

6.2. Social

6.3. Ads

7. 7. Monitization

7.1. Ads

7.2. Premium Content

7.3. Affiliates

7.4. POD

7.5. Dropship

7.6. Big Ticket

8. 8. Agency

8.1. $500 mo. Weekly

8.2. $2000 mo. Daily

9. 2. Brand

9.1. Will it Magazine