Revenue Model

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Revenue Model により Mind Map: Revenue Model

1. Loan payments

1.1. Starts after job placement

1.2. Ascending payments each year

1.2.1. 1st: €1K

1.2.2. 2nd: €1.5K

1.2.3. 3rd: €1.75K

1.2.4. 4th-5th: €2K

1.3. Repayment for a €60K loan is €99K in 5 years

2. Returns

2.1. Fund's commission %25

2.1.1. No annual management fee

2.2. Projected Net ROI: 39.63%

2.2.1. 5 yr Spanish Gov.Bond:2.36%

2.2.2. Annual Return: 7.33%

3. Investments

3.1. Starting from €15K

3.2. Open to everyone

3.3. Early cash-out possible with additional fund cut

3.4. High returns