Paths to Service at Sewanee: Guided by the Light and a Tradition of Honor

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Paths to Service at Sewanee: Guided by the Light and a Tradition of Honor により Mind Map: Paths to Service at Sewanee: Guided by the Light and a Tradition of Honor

1. Volunteer through the Chapel Outreach Office

2. Join APO Co-ed Service Fraternity

3. Take a Community Engagement Class

4. Live in the Community Engagement House

5. Enter Sewanee's innovative first-year experience: Finding Your Place

6. Caribbean Outreach and Engagement

7. Lilly Summer Discernment Institute

8. Try Out for the Volunteer Fire Department or the Emergency Medical Services

9. Become a Canale Service Intern for a semester

10. Become a Bonner Leader Service Intern in a long-term placement in a community organization

11. Reduce your Carbon Foot Print

12. Take Education classes: Assist and Tutor in Local Schools