Echo (nymph) fell in love with Narcissus

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Echo (nymph) fell in love with Narcissus により Mind Map: Echo (nymph) fell in love with Narcissus

1. Narcissus was handsome and egotistical

1.1. did not pay attention to Echo

1.1.1. did not feel any woman was worthy of his handsomeness

2. Echo=punishment

2.1. Hera angered by Echo's chattering

2.1.1. Hera's search for Zeus prolonged Hera thought Zeus was with a nymph

3. followed Narcissus to woods

3.1. Narcissus asked for directions

3.1.1. Echo couldn't respond because of curse Narcissus got frustrated, pushed her aside, and left her

4. Narcissus left her in woods

4.1. Nemesis, righteous anger god, pitied her

4.1.1. Nemesis punished with complete egotism fell in love with reflection remained nemesis, or daffodil, for eternity