Exercising for health is a myth. Do you agree?

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Exercising for health is a myth. Do you agree? により Mind Map: Exercising for health is a myth. Do you agree?

1. The benefits of exercising are,

1.1. 1. S: Exercising can also be fun.

1.1.1. Instead of lifting and going to the gym. You can also dance. Dancing is a form of exercising. Other than Dancing, you can also play exercising games from Wii. When you play Wii, alot of hand movements, body movements are used.

2. My mom once told me that exercising made her lose alot of weight plus, it made her more fitter. Sometimes i wonder, is it true?

2.1. Exercising stops us from being obese because when we exercise, we sweat. Through sweating, we burn fats, and what happens when we burn fats? We lose weight.

2.1.1. So, i suggest if you want to burn your fats, you could go cycling. It's like a 3 in 1 thing. 1, you burn your fats. 2, You build your calve muscles. 3, you learn a new skill.

3. No.

4. Exercise promotes better sleep

4.1. Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep.

4.1.1. don't exercise too close to bedtime, or you may be too energized to fall asleep.