Journey Through Time: Exploring Jiufen's Old Street

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Journey Through Time: Exploring Jiufen's Old Street により Mind Map: Journey Through Time: Exploring Jiufen's Old Street

1. Subconcious

1.1. Symbolism

1.1.1. Old Street

1.1.2. Chinese Lantern

1.2. Archetype

1.2.1. The explorer

1.3. Emotion

1.3.1. Peaceful

1.3.2. Valued

1.3.3. Nostalgia

1.3.4. Curious

1.4. Color strategy

1.4.1. Chinese Red Vibrancy, auspiciousness, and cultural richness, embodying the spirit and traditions.

1.4.2. Castleton Green Tranquility, freshness, and natural beauty.

1.4.3. Gold Elegance, prosperity, and celebration.

2. Aim

2.1. Family-Friendly Activities

2.1.1. Promote family-friendly activities and attractions along Jiufen.

2.2. Educational Opportunities

2.2.1. Highlight the educational value of visiting Jiufen, with opportunities to learn about local history, culture, and traditions.

2.3. Health and Wellness

2.3.1. Showcase Jiufen serene atmosphere and scenic surroundings, promoting it, appealing to older seeking tranquility and younger who interested in wellness activities.

3. Detailed target Audience

3.1. All genders

3.1.1. Age: 15 to Over 50 Who want to take a family vacation. Who have an interest in learning about other cultures.

4. Places

4.1. Teahouses

4.1.1. Promote exclusive deals or discounts.

4.2. Restaurants

4.2.1. Promote popular local Taiwanese restaurants.

4.3. Shops & Souvenir

4.3.1. Advertise local products or services.

5. Social Media Strategy

5.1. TikTok

5.1.1. Create Engaging Content Create captivating videos showcasing destination's highlights, activities, and experiences. Use vibrant colors, catchy music, and creative editing to grab viewers' attention and make our content memorable and engaging.

5.2. Facebook

5.2.1. Host Live Events and Virtual Tours Utilize Facebook Live to stream live events, tours, or Q&A sessions featuring local experts or influencers. Virtual tours offer viewers a preview of our destination, enticing them to visit in person.

5.3. Instagram

5.3.1. Collaborate with Influencers Partner with travel influencers and content creators who align with our destination's brand and values. Collaborate on sponsored posts, takeovers, or influencer trips to leverage their reach and credibility with their followers.