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The best of Web 2.0 により Mind Map: The best of Web 2.0

1. Computing

1.1. Web 2.0 characteristic: the network as platform

1.2. examples

1.2.1. Google Docs

1.2.2. gDrive

1.2.3. del.ico.us

1.3. key concepts

1.3.1. Office 2.0

1.3.2. tags

1.3.3. web desktop

2. Using

2.1. Web 2.0 characteristic: rich user experience

2.2. examples

2.2.1. MindMeister

2.2.2. Netvibes

2.3. key concepts

2.3.1. AJAX

2.3.2. pre-fetching

2.3.3. increasing bandwith

2.3.4. desktop behaviour

2.3.5. Web 2.0 visual design Wakoopa

3. Sharing

3.1. Web 2.0 characteristic: social networking

3.2. examples

3.2.1. LinkedIn

3.2.2. Facebook

3.2.3. Last.fm

3.3. key concepts

3.3.1. content generate content promote content rate content

4. Re-mixing

4.1. Web 2.0 characteristic: open architecture

4.2. examples

4.2.1. Flickr

4.2.2. Groenekaartkrommerijn.nl

4.2.3. hotcaptcha

4.2.4. PCZapper

4.3. key concepts

4.3.1. mash-up

4.3.2. API

4.3.3. widget

5. Earning

5.1. Web 2.0 characteristic: new business models

5.2. examples

5.2.1. Google AdWords

5.2.2. Google Adsense

5.2.3. Google Trends

5.3. key concepts

5.3.1. The Long Tail

5.3.2. search engine marketing