كتب - to write

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كتب - to write により Mind Map: كتب - to write

1. كتاب - book/piece of writing

1.1. Unknown Measure

1.2. مكتبة - library

1.3. مكتاب - typewriter

2. كتب - to write

2.1. Measure 1

2.2. كتابة - writing/penmanship

2.2.1. Verbal Noun

2.3. كاتب - writer

2.3.1. The كات in the Hat

2.3.2. Active Participle

2.4. مكتوب - written/recorded/predestined/message

2.4.1. Passive Participle

2.5. مكتب - office/bureau/desk

2.5.1. Noun of Place and Time

3. انكتب - to be written / to subscribe

3.1. Measure 7

4. [ Kit-B ] Writing "Kit-A" left me with writers block... good think I had "Kit-B"

5. كاتب - to maintain correspondence with

5.1. Measure 3

5.2. مكابتة - exchange of letters/correspondence

5.2.1. Verbal Noun

5.3. مكاتب - correspondent

5.3.1. Active Participle

5.4. كتابي - in writing/clerical/literary/scriptural

5.4.1. Adjective

6. تكاتب - to maintain a correspondence/ exchange letters

6.1. Measure 6

7. اكتتب - to write/copy/enter one's name/subscribe

7.1. Measure 8

7.2. اكتتاب - enrollment/registration

7.2.1. Verbal Noun

7.3. مكتتب - subscriber

7.3.1. Active Participle

8. استكتب - to ask to write/dictate

8.1. Measure 10

8.2. استكتاب - dictation

8.2.1. Verbal Noun