Medea - Backstory

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Medea - Backstory により Mind Map: Medea - Backstory

1. Tragedy

1.1. Jason's selfishness leads to his downfall

2. Connections to Historical Greece

2.1. revenge/vengeance is a theme in Classical Greece

2.2. fame and glory

2.3. passions

2.4. role/position of women

2.5. politics

2.6. wealth/status

3. Authorship

3.1. Who wrote it?

3.1.1. Euripides

3.2. When was it written?

3.2.1. 431 BCE

4. Plot background

4.1. Jason has stolen the Golden Fleece

4.2. Medea Seeks Revenge

4.2.1. murders her own children

5. Character

5.1. Medea

5.2. Jason

5.3. Aegeus