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Feedback により Mind Map: Feedback

1. Learning outcomes

1.1. Rule Learning

1.1.1. Feedback should show cause and effect

1.2. Attitude Learning

1.2.1. feedback should include information whether learners use skill that the attitude required correctly.

1.3. Psychomotor skills

1.3.1. Provide self evaluation

1.4. Problem solving

1.4.1. feedback must point out information gaps

2. Motivation

2.1. feedback should show link between success and effort and show what learners have under control

3. Constructivist Point of view

3.1. Instruction in relevant context:

3.2. Feedback can guide to revisit material from different angle

3.3. Continous feedback loop helping learner to stay on track

4. self-regulated learning Point of view

4.1. Cognitive Feedback:

4.1.1. Task Validity Tasks selected align to goals

4.1.2. cognitive validity Own perceptions align to goals

4.1.3. functional validity Estimations align to goals

5. Feedback Channel

5.1. Audio

5.2. visual

5.3. haptic

6. Complexity of feedback

6.1. No Feedback

6.2. Simple verification

6.2.1. was correct

6.3. Correct response

6.3.1. shows correct response

6.4. Elaborated feedback

6.4.1. explains why was correct or wrong

6.5. Try again feedback

6.5.1. ask to try again if something was wrong

6.6. Just showing Sensor Inferences

7. Timing of feedback

7.1. immediate

7.2. delayed

8. Error analysis

8.1. Lack of information errors

8.1.1. learner doesn't know

8.2. Motor errors

8.2.1. Learner can't express knowledge

8.3. Confusion errors

8.3.1. Learner mixed concepts or ideas

8.4. rule application errors

8.4.1. learner applies concepts or ideas in a wrong way